Monday, April 20, 2015

Wash Day | Chunky Twists

[1] Pre-pooed with Hair Trigger for 45 minutes.

[2] Co-Washed with Alba Botanical's Clarifying Shampoo.

[3]  Protein Treatment : ApHogee Intensive Two Minute Keratin Reconstructor for 2 minutes.

[4] Deep Conditioned with Soultanicals Knot Sauce for about 20 minutes and washed it out. This is used as a detangling conditioner or a leave-in but I decided to use it to deep conditioner.  I didn't notice any negative results from using it that way and my hair responded positively as well. 

[5] Detangled with my hair in sections with my Denman Brush for about 5 minutes. I did a quick detangle with the brush before washing it out

[6] Tea Rinsed - No tea rinse again this week.  I really just haven't had the time to do it. With two moves happening in in the next 3 weeks, life has been a little chaotic. 
Jia's Carribean Dream Cream

[7] ACV rinse  I sprayed my scalp with the rinse and massaged it in for a couple of minutes.

[8] T-shirt dried my hair for about an hour. For some reason my hair took a little longer to dry.

[9] Applied my leave-insJia's Caribbean Dream Cream (I just received my package on Saturday and was super excited to get it) , Tangles and Beyond Deep Moisture Shea Butter and Argan Oil by Tangles & Beyond

[10] Styled my hair-  Twist my hair into chunkier twists this week. The goal is to wear my hair in twists this week and they wear a twist out on Sunday to celebrate my 1 year natural anniversary :)!

                             How was your #WashDay experience? Be sure to join the link up to share.

The Wash Day Experience


  1. Nice twists!!

    Nominated you for a Liebster Award in my latest post. Enjoy!

  2. Hi Phoenix!

    Thanks for stopping by and for nominating me for an award. I will definitely check out your latest post.

    Thanks again :).
