Thursday, August 21, 2014

Wash Day: Tweaking My Regimen A Bit

Hey everyone!

On my previous wash day (Sunday), I pre-pooed overnight and I loved the results. My hair was extra soft and moisturized at the end of my Wash Day. Unfortunately, I didn't have time for another overnight pre-poo session during yesterday's Wash Day but I will do it again in the future.

Yesterday's Wash Day:

[1] Pre-pooed with Jamaican Black Castor Oil, JᾹSÖN Vitamin E Oil , EVCO and Grapeseed Oil for a little over an hour. Can I just say that my hair loves this pre-poo mixture?!
[2] Co-washed with Shea Moisture Coconut Hibiscus Co-Wash Conditioning Cleanser
[3] Tea Rinse:  I decided not to do a tea rinse on this wash day.  I usually do a tea rinse twice a week but I'm going to try doing it once a week, to see if I can tell a difference in my hair.
[4] Deep conditioned with Aussie Moist 3 Minute Miracle Deeeeep Conditioner.
[5] I did an ACV rinse after I washed out my conditioner. I left the rinse in  again this week because I love the way my scalp feels after: squeaky clean :).
[6] Dried my hair for about 30 minutes with a t-shirt before applying  Kinky-Curly Knot Today  and  finger detangling.
[7] I added Shea Moisture's Curling Custard and sealed with my JBCO oil mix.

This week I tweaked my Wash Day a little and my hair still felt great after. Jen's post reminded me that I haven't done a protein treatment in a long time either, so I will do that on my next Wash Day.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, my go-to style for right now is: wash & go. My scalp (and hands) needed a break from doing twists for awhile. Looking ahead, I need to schedule a trim for my ends hopefully before the end of next month.

After my Wash Day on Sunday (8/17)

Meeting the hubby for tea after my Wash Day yesterday (8/20/14)

The Wash Day Experience

Until next time :)!

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