This post is a little late (by a couple of weeks) but I still wanted to share my last wash day of September. As part of my new regimen/routine going forward, I plan on co-washing my hair three weeks in a row and shampooing on the 4th week. So my first shampoo day happened to fall on my last wash day of September. Here's how my wash day went:
Pre-pooed by spraying my hair with a mixture of aloe vera juice and water. Then I applied EVCO to my strands, focusing on the ends. Lastly, I applied The Antidote and used my fingers to detangle. I then detangled with a wide tooth comb before putting my hair into two strand twists.
Shampooed with Mielle Organic's Babassu Shampoo (with my hair still in twists). I really worked the shampoo in and gently used my Shampoo brush I purchased from Vanity Planet. I made sure to use a downward motion to avoid getting tangles and knots (thanks for the tip NappyFu!)

Protein Treatment- I used my usual treatment, Aubrey Organics and let it sit in my hair for about 2 minutes before rinsing it out.
Deep Conditioned with Eden Body Works Coconut Shea Hair Masque Treatment. Instead of simply using a plastic cap, I decided to use my Q-Redew for the first time! Yes, I know I bought it on a Black Friday, which means I should have used it by now but...I didn't. Anyway, I used applied my hand-held steamer to each twists keeping some distance so I wouldn't burn myself. I learned this lesson early on when I put it a little close to my edges when I started. Luckily I didn't really burn myself and I'll never make that mistake again. After I finished with the steamer, I put a plastic cap on my hair and waited another 15 minutes before rinising out the masque.
ACV Rinse- Before wrapping up my wash day, I did my apple cider vinegar rinse. I like to dilute the acv with water so it's not too potent and then I either spray or pour the solution
Styling my hair- Once I'm finished with the ACV rinse, I let my hair dry using a t-shirt for about 10-15 minutes. Then I do a quick survey of my twists to see which ones need to be re-twisted. Since I used up the last of my Kera Care Twist and Define cream, I picked up Eden Body Works Coconut Shea Curl Defining Cream to twist my hair. After that I applied a little of my water + Aloe Vera Juice mixture, Tamanu Oil and Jia's Carribean Dream Creme to my hair and ends.